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SAGE documentation

SAGE installation and setup document now available.

PDF file: [download id=”91″ format=1]

New UIC ‘Cyber-Commons’ Wall Pops with 3-D Imagery

November 9, 2011

Seamlessly-tiled LCD flat-screen displays stretching floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Electronic Visualization Laboratory “Cyber-Commons” has served as a digitally-enhanced way to display, manipulate and exchange information and images since its opening in 2009. On November 11, EVL demonstrates Cyber-Commons’ latest enhancement – three-dimensional imagery, displayed along […]


The use of OptIPortal visualisation walls amongst Australian institutions has grown to a level where interaction beyond the usual point-to-point has become feasible. This has opened up interesting opportunities for multisite collaborations, which are now driving demand for stable middleware to manage such wall-to-multiwall interactions.

SAGE (Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment), developed by the Electronic Visualization […]

Society for Information Display (SID)

Society for Information Display (SID)

Sachin Deshpande (2nd from right) at SID 2010.

Seattle, Washington May 23-28, 2010

The SID Symposium, held in Seattle, Washington, is the premier international gathering of scientists, engineers, manufacturers and users for the discussion, presentation, viewing and evaluation of information display technology. This year’s meeting featured a Digital Signage […]

17th World Congress on IT (WCIT 2010)

17th World Congress on IT (WCIT 2010)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands May 25-27, 2010

SARA booth at WCIT 2010.

SARA supercomputer center in The Netherlands did a major SAGE demonstration for the WCIT 2010 conference, showcasing applications developed in-house as well as by its users and guests. The theme of WCIT 2010 was Challenges of […]

Pragma18 University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, California March 3-4, 2010

PRAGMA 18 SAGE demo between EVL and Calit2. Photo: Tom DeFanti

[download id=”6″ format=1]: SAGE Description – Maxine Brown, UIC/EVL

SAGE Demonstration Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL and Joe Keefe, Calit2/UCSD

For this PRAGMA 18 demo, data was streamed from a storage server […]