Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT
SAGE, the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, receives funding from the National Science Foundation to provide persistent visualization and collaboration services for global cyberinfrastructure. It is a widely used open-source platform and the scientific community’s defacto software operating environment, or framework, for managing content on scalable-resolution tiled display walls. The SC12 SAGE BOF, the fourth annual meeting of the worldwide SAGE user community, provides an unparalleled opportunity for the SAGE global user community, and potential users, to meet and discuss current and future development efforts, and to share examples of community-developed use cases and applications.
Download Presentation: [download id=”77″ format=1]
Powerpoint Contents
- I. Introductions – Maxine Brown, UIC/EVL
- II. SAGE Community – Maxine Brown, UIC/EVL
- What is SAGE?
- SAGE User Community
- SAGE New Users 2011-2012
- SAGE Survey Summary (May 2012)
- SAGE Demo Highlights 2011-2012
- SAGE and the CAVE2™ System
- III. SAGE Development Update – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL
- Updates
- New Features
- SAGE Next
- IV. SAGE Future – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL
- Pursuing New Funding
- Hybrid 2D/3D Environments
- V. Discussion – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL