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SAGE BIRDS OF A FEATHER (BOF): Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) for Global Collaboration

Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 12:15PM – 01:15PM
Colorado Convention Center, Rooms 501/502

SAGE, the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, receives major funding from the National Science Foundation to provide the scientific community with persistent visualization and collaboration services for global cyberinfrastructure. SAGE is a widely used open-source platform and the defacto operating system, or framework, for managing “big data” content on scalable-resolution tiled display walls. The SC BOF provides an unparalleled opportunity for the global SAGE user community, and potential users, to meet, review current development efforts, share community-developed use cases and applications, and have dynamic discussions on user requirements and future roadmaps.

Download Presentation: [download id=”92″ format=1]
Download Report: [download id=”93″ format=1]


  • SAGE Update
  • SAGE Applications in Research & Education
  • SAGE Future Plans
  • SAGE Commercialization

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