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SAGE BIRDS OF A FEATHER (BOF): Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) for Global Collaboration

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Washington State Convention and Trade Center (WSCC), Seattle, WA

The SC11 SAGE BOF was the third annual meeting of the worldwide SAGE user community. It provided an opportunity for both current users as well as potential users to meet, discuss current and future development efforts, and share examples of community-developed use cases and applications. SAGE is a three-year project funded by the National Science Foundation to create persistent visualization and collaboration services for global cyberinfrastructure, and is currently deployed at 78 major centers and institutions worldwide.

Powerpoint Presentations
Download Presentations: [download id=”25″ format=1]

Powerpoint Contents

  • I. Introductions
  • II. SAGE Overview
    • What is SAGE?
    • SAGE User Community
    • SAGE New Users 2010-2011
  • III. SAGE User Community Updates
    • Thomas A. DeFanti, Calit2, University of California San Diego, U.S.
    • Bernard Pailthorpe, University of Queensland, Australia
    • Petr Holub, Masaryk University Czech Republic (MUSE: Multi-Sensor Framework)
    • Petr Holub, Masaryk University Czech Republic (UltraGrid Streaming to SAGE)
    • Shinji Shimojo, NICT and Osaka University, Japan
    • Paul Melis, SARA Computing and Networking Services, The Netherlands
    • Estelle Dodson, Collaborative Technologies Specialist, NASA Lunar Science Institute, U.S.
  • IV. SAGE Development Update – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL
  • V. SAGE Next – Sungwon Nam, UIC/EVL
  • VI. Wrap-Up – Jason Leigh, UIC/EVL (5 minutes)

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