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SAGE BIRDS OF A FEATHER (BOF): Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) for Global Collaboration

November 16, 2010
Ernest N. Moriale Convention Center (ENMCC), New Orleans

Today’s scientists are tackling issues of global priority – such as the environment, geoscience, bioscience, disaster response, and the physical nature of the universe, to name a few – and need the ability to view ultra-resolution images and/or create “cyber-mashups,” or juxtapositions, of information – a critical component of data analysis – in order to gain more holistic views and insight regarding complex issues, and make more informed observations and discoveries. To view data-intensive information, scientists require large tiled display walls connected to multi-gigabit networks, as well as a common operating environment, or framework, to access, stream and juxtapose data objects. SAGE, the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, is such an environment; it is a graphics streaming architecture that enables users to interactively access, display and share a variety of data-intensive information, in a variety of resolutions and formats, from multiple sources, with the same ease that the Web affords for accessing lower-resolution objects today. This BOF session provides an opportunity for the SAGE global user community – current users as well as potential users – to meet, discuss current and future development efforts, and share examples of community-developed use cases and applications. SAGE is a three-year project funded by the National Science Foundation to create persistent visualization and collaboration services for global cyberinfrastructure, and is currently deployed at 53 major supercomputer centers.


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OptIPortable 2, Calit2
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ParaView-SAGE Integration
[download id=”29″ format=”1″] Download

EVL 20 Foot Virtual Canvas
(NOTE: Paint application does not use SAGE)

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Powerpoint Presentations

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Powerpoint Contents

  • I. Introductions
  • II. User Community Updates
    • A. Accomplishments by the SAGE User Community
      • Andrei Hutanu, LSU/CCT
      • David Abramson, Monash
      • Seung-Hee Lee, KISTI
      • Shinji Shimojo, NICT
      • Paul Wielinga, SARA
    • B. SAGE Community Events
    • C. New SAGE Users
  • III. SAGE Improvements – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL (15 minutes)
  • IV. Building Environments to Support Interaction for Various Use Scenarios — Ratko Jagodic, UIC/EVL (20 minutes)
  • V. Wrap-Up – Jason Leigh, UIC/EVL (5 minutes)

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