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KAUST Winter Enrichment Program 2010

King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
January 30 – February 3, 2010

Luc Renambot teaching at the KAUST WEP 2010. Photo: Tom DeFanti

The Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is a month-long semester designed for the entire KAUST community to enlarge its intellectual horizons and stretch its collective imaginations. The WEP featured more than 100 courses, workshops, seminars, lectures and recreational events that enriched faculty/student minds and lives. Visualization Workshops took place during a one-week period, conducted by several researchers from Calit2/UCSD, UIC/EVL and KAUST.

[download id=”24″ format=1]: Streaming Televisualization (SAGE) Workshop – Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL and Greg Wickham, KAUST

Workshop topics included virtual-reality devices, managing scale and complexity, scientific needs for working with large datasets and data fusion, high-resolution displays connected to high-speed networks, display border management, multi-touch tables, international networking infrastructure, OptIPuter, the TransLight/StarLight project, ROCKS clusters, SAGE, and remote rendering and parallel pixel streaming with ParaView and SAGE.

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