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GreenLight Minority-Serving Institutions Cyberinfrastructure Coalition (MSI-CIEC) Workshop

GreenLight Minority-Serving Institutions Cyberinfrastructure Coalition (MSI-CIEC) Workshop

Calit2/UCSD, San Diego, California
June 9-10, 2010

(Photo: Lance Long)

Luc Renambot (speaking), Maxine Brown, Sungwon Nam and Jason Leigh participated remotely from EVL in the MSI-CIEC Workshop. In this photo, taken at EVL, Renambot’s Powerpoints appear on the left side of the screen. MSI-CIEC attendees appear in the right-most display window.

The GreenLight MSI-CIEC Workshop, held at Calit2/UCSD, focused on the Calit2 NSF-funded GreenLight project on the first day, and focused on OptIPortals the second day. Demos featured a remote SAGE presentation and demo by Luc Renambot of the UIC Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) to attendees in the Calit2 Virtulab in San Diego.

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