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SAGE documentation

SAGE installation and setup document now available.

PDF file: [download id=”91″ format=1]

New UIC ‘Cyber-Commons’ Wall Pops with 3-D Imagery

November 9, 2011

Seamlessly-tiled LCD flat-screen displays stretching floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Electronic Visualization Laboratory “Cyber-Commons” has served as a digitally-enhanced way to display, manipulate and exchange information and images since its opening in 2009. On November 11, EVL demonstrates Cyber-Commons’ latest enhancement – three-dimensional imagery, displayed along […]


September 11. 2011

Developers: Andrew Johnson, Maxine Brown, Jason Leigh, Tom Peterka, Luc Renambot, Lance Long, Jonas Talandis, Daniel Sandin, Alan Verlo

CAVE2, is a scientific instrument that enables researchers to visualize data in a fully immersive 3D stereoscopic environment; it serves as the lense of a “telescope” or “microscope,” enabling them to see […]