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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Pragma18 University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, California March 3-4, 2010

PRAGMA 18 SAGE demo between EVL and Calit2. Photo: Tom DeFanti

[download id=”6″ format=1]: SAGE Description – Maxine Brown, UIC/EVL

SAGE Demonstration Luc Renambot, UIC/EVL and Joe Keefe, Calit2/UCSD

For this PRAGMA 18 demo, data was streamed from a storage server […]

ACM Multimedia Systems 2010 Scottsdale, Arizona February 22-23, 2010

PhD candidate, Sungwon Nam. Photo: Lance Long, UIC/EVL

EVL PhD candidate Sungwon Nam presented the paper “Multiapplication, Intertile Synchronization on Ultra-High-Resolution Display Walls,” by Sungwon Nam, Sachin Deshpande, Venkatram Vishwanath, Byungil Jeong, Luc Renambot and Jason Leigh, at the ACM Multimedia Systems 2010 conference. It described two SAGE […]

APAN29 Asia-Pacific Area Network (APAN) 29th conference, Sydney, Australia February 8-11, 2010

QCIF and UQVislab Demonstrate AARNet’s SAGE Bridge and 5Gbps throughput at APAN29

University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia), University of Melbourne (Victoria, Australia), GIST (Korea) and TACC (US) participated in a SAGE Visualcasting demo at APAN29. Photo: Bernard Pailthorpe, Queensland

The Asia-Pacific […]

KAUST Winter Enrichment Program 2010

King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia January 30 – February 3, 2010

Luc Renambot teaching at the KAUST WEP 2010. Photo: Tom DeFanti

The Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) is a month-long semester designed for the entire KAUST community to enlarge its intellectual horizons and stretch its collective imaginations. The […]

NSF STCI Principal Investigator Workshop

National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia January 28-29, 2010

Related Meeting: NMI Build and Test Workshop–+Build+and+Test+Workshop

[download id=22 format=1]: SAGE: OptIPlanet Cyber-Mashup Document

[download id=23 format=1]: SAGE POSTER

ON*VECTOR Photonics Workshop

Sponsored by NTT Network Innovation Laboratories; Hosted by Calit2/UCSD, San Diego, California February 7-9, 2010

Ratko Jagodic (seated far left) participating in the ON*VECTOR CSCW panel. Photo: Natalie Van Osdol

ON*VECTOR (Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research) is a joint project of NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Keio University’s Institute for Digital Media […]